Flower-Petal Stained Glass
Age: 3 and up
Time: 30 minutes
Type of Activity: Nature Arts and Crafts
Preserve the beautiful blooms of summer, take a stroll or hike together, and collect flower petals for this activity.
· Flower petals
· Wooden popsicle sticks
· Crayon pieces
· Waxed paper
· Paper towels
· Kitchen towel
· Paper clips
· Iron
What to Do:
Step One: Your child can choose an assortment of flower petals.
Step Two: Using a popsicle stick, your child should scrape the crayon pieces over a paper towel to make a handful of crayon shavings. Try to use different colors that complement the flower petals.
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Step Three: Cut two foot-long pieces of wax paper.
Step Four: Your child can arrange the petals on one sheet of wax paper however she wants.
Step Five: Sprinkle the crayon shavings on the wax paper in between the petals.
Step Six: Place the other piece of wax paper on top of the flower petals and crayon shavings. Secure the sheets together with paper clips.
Step Seven: Place a kitchen towel over the wax paper. Set the iron on low heat and iron over the towel.
Step Eight: Now your stained glass is ready to display in a window!